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Dec. 14, 2022

Extra Work

People who suffer from depression like me may relate to this: it's more work in the day trying to accomplish your goals for the day with this condition. There's this heavy pressure inside of you from the depression that makes you tired faster, drained, unfocused, and many other effects. As I'm writing this post, it's difficult for me to articulate what I'm trying to type here and I'm doing my best. 

I have tasks that I want to complete every day like any human being, and I fight hard from within to get what I want to be completed. That alone is tough to get through a day. Can anyone with depression relate to that??

I know the work I have for myself to do with my mental health, and I do my best with everything. I believe in prayers, and talking with my pastor, but I do go to therapy when I need to, sometimes talking to a trusted friend or doing something creative to keep my mind busy. 

Writing is one of the best actions I can do right now to get the message out because talking in a video or the podcast that I love doing, is hard like right now.